
C. Riess http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8784-5297 M. Obermayr M. Vormwald


A scalar measure, which describes the non-proportionality of local stress paths in engineering applications, is introduced. For this purpose the moment of inertia approach by Meggiolaro is modified in a way that the stress time history is evaluated in a tresca-stress-space. This modification makes the non-proportionality factor invariant with respect to the coordinate system. An optimization procedure is implemented to derive a test set-up for new component tests with 2 load channels. The aim of the planned tests is to get a high non-proportionality at the potential crack initiation site. It is not possible to obtain a high non-proportionality factor at the failure location without selective weakening of the component (housing of a rear axle steering). Therefore specific areas of the structure are cut out and the optimization procedure is repeated. As a result of the optimization a test set-up with high local non-proportionality at the potential crack initiation site is achieved for the weakened structure. Another set-up with slightly less non-proportionality but with a very localized damage is derived. This set-up is preferred, because of the robustness in the physical test.


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    How to Cite

    Riess, C., Obermayr, M., & Vormwald, M. (2016). The non-proportionality of local stress paths in engineering applications. Frattura Ed Integrità Strutturale, 10(37), 52–59. https://doi.org/10.3221/IGF-ESIS.37.08