
Since the publication of its first issue in 2007, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale has adopted the golden road to Open Access, with the published papers being completely free of charge both for the readers and for the authors. This means that processing and submission costs have never been charged... and they will never be! This is made it possible not only by the voluntary work which is done on a daily basis by the members of the  Editorial Boards as well as by the Reviewers, but also by the financial support coming from the Italian Group of Fracture (IGF). However, as a matter of fact, the Open Access policy has its own costs - use of the web space, all the services we have activated (such as, for instance, a DOI number for every single paper), the new website template, etc. This is the reason why your voluntary donations to support Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale would help us keep improving the high standard level of our journal.
So that, if you think that Open Access is a great way to publish scientific papers and you wish to give your contribution to Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale ... now you can do it! Simply click on the “DONATE” button and follow the payment procedure. Being deeply grateful for your help, we will send you a receipt for your donation. Further, on a yearly basis, we will publish on this page a report with the total amount of donations we receive by providing detailed descriptions of the ways we use your financial support.

Thank you so much for helping us to keep improving the overall quality of the services Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale can offer!

Donations 2020

xxxxx from Thailand: 180 euros (we paid the annual fees for the plagiarism/autoplagiarism check).