
Francesco Tornabene Nicholas Fantuzzi Michele Bacciocchi


The Strong Formulation Finite Element Method (SFEM) is a numerical solution technique for solving arbitrarily shaped structural systems. This method uses a hybrid scheme given by the Differential Quadrature Method (DQM) and the Finite Element Method (FEM). The SFEM takes the best from DQM and FEM giving a highly accurate strong formulation based technique with the adaptability of finite elements. The present study investigates the stability and accuracy of SFEM when applied to 1D and 2D structural components, such as rods, beams, membranes and plates using analytical and semi-analytical well-known solutions. The numerical results show that the present approach can be very accurate using a small number of grid points and elements, when it is compared to standard FEM.


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    How to Cite

    Tornabene, F., Fantuzzi, N., & Bacciocchi, M. (2014). The strong formulation finite element method: stability and accuracy. Frattura Ed Integrità Strutturale, 8(29), pages 251–265. https://doi.org/10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.22