SSM (semi-solid metal) technological alternatives for different applications


  • K. Young
  • P. Eisen


Since the original discoveries in the early 1970’s, semi-solid processing has experienced all of the birth pangs of new technology. A wide array of patents and technological approaches has been proposed, many tried, but only a few have endured as manufacturing processes. This paper reviews the initial concepts first put forward by MIT, the diverse proposals entertained throughout the following 30 years and analyses the survivors. Semi-solid processing can now be broken down into three main categories; semi-solid processing, semi-liquid processing and slurry on demand processes. Each process variant is briefly analyzed, their attributes identified and an attempt made to suggest where each process is finding optimal performance. Practical examples are given for each process that provide insight to the process utility. Based upon this review, the key system features necessary to achieve success are discussed, the economic implications are identified and a projection is made regarding future developments.





